Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Planted Tank Update on 24th June

Here's an updated picture of the tank on 24th June.

It would be fun to see how the tank evolves. I am going to take a picture of the tank every 2 weeks.
Here's a list of new inhabitants and plants:

Red Tiger Lotus
2 Hygrophila Balsamica
Giant Hairgrass
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata
Nuphar japonica (Underwater Lily)

12 White Cloud Mountain Minnows
12 Glowlight Tetras
6 Black Skirt Tetras
6 Black Phantom Tetras
6 Rosy Tetras
6 Red Eye Tetras
7 Panda Corys (named P1 to P7)
2 Similis Corys (Spot and Smudge)
2 Leopard Corys
2 Sterba Corys
1 Albino Bronze Cory (Alby)
1 Blue Bronze Cory (Gleam)
1 Oto
Cherry Shrimps

Added a DIY CO2 system. CO2 comes from the yeast and sugar mixture in the 2-litre Coke bottle, and is dispensed through a glass diffuser.
Some of the tetras caught white spots. Had them isolated and treated, but a few didn't make it.
An Oto got trapped in the filter pump, and passed on also.
Many of the cherry shrimps "disappeared".
The red eye tetras were too fast and aggressive, so they were returned to the aquarium.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Planted Tank

This is exciting! Decided to convert the top fish tank to a planted tank.
Popped over to SeaView at Jalan Kayu to buy 2 packs of 8kg soil substrate and a two 39wattsbulbs T-5 lights (It was selling at a discount of $45).
The tank is now planted with some dwarf hairgrass which I hope will quickly carpet the substrate. Some of the other plants include Watersprite, Vals, Blyxa, Brazilian Pennyworts and Tonina Belem.
First inhabitants: 12 Black Neon Tetras
Shortly after:
12 Neon Tetras
3 Otos

Garfield and his goldfish friends have moved to the bottom tank. I don't think they are too happy about it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nonya Chang

Finally decided to make Nonya Chang on the 7th June. Saw them selling in Kim Choo's for $3.20 each, which I thought was rather expensive.

Had a tough time looking for all the necessary ingredients.

The bamboo leaves are available in NTUC, but it's not easy to find the sugared winter melons (Tong Kuah Tang) and the coriander powder.

Pre-soaked the bamboo leaves, mushrooms and glutinous rice overnight on friday, and went to sleep.

Bought 1.5kg of soft lean meat, and 0.5kg of lard, which should be enough meat for about 50 rice dumplings.

Started cooking the fillings and wrapping the rice dumplings in the evening. Prepared 3 pots of hot water to boil the rice dumplings for 3 hours. Finally finished all the boiling by 1am, and hung the rice dumplings on the clothes hanging stand.