Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fruit of my labour

Some harvested capsicums, that have naturally ripen to a nice red.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Some flowering orchids

The maudiae and the ascocentrum are flowering.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Orchids from Song and Woon Leng

Finally got to visit Song Orchids and Woon Leng Nursery in the west. And I got these orchids as gifts. Very precious. Very precious.

Got a slipper orchid paphiopedilum maudiae and an interesting large flowering orchid that has leaves of phal from Song, (psychopsis papilio) and a leafless vanilla (vanilla aphylla), a very pretty small cattleya and a orange dendrobium found on the floor from Woon Leng.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Feeding Sunbirds

There are sunbirds that like to come and perch on my planter box. So I decided to entice them to come more often and sing for me. Coiled a wire around a small plastic container, and added concentrated sugar water. On the first day, the birds didn't recognise that as food. But a clever bird soon started to take a sip, and then it became a daily event. The bird would be so happy and excited after feeding, that it would chirp loudly.