Friday, December 19, 2008

Hakka Braised Pork Trotters

1 pc pork trotter
1 pc of tui bak (Leg Meat)
2 pcs of muscle meat
20 gloves of whole garlic
3 sour plum
2 tbsp dark soya sauce
1 tbsp light soya sauce
1 ladel of white vinegar
2 tbsp sugar
6 pcs dried chilli
Some water

Wash trotter and clean well. Put in trotter and tui bak and parboil for few minutes.
Cut muscle meat and tui bak into large chunks.
Place the meat in a steel pot and add 10 gloves of garlic.
Add dark and light soya sauce, dried chilli and sour plum.
Add in enough water to cover the trotter and cook for about 1 hour. Add remaining 10 gloves of garlic
Add in sugar and bring to a boil.
Reduce heat, add in vinegar and continue to simmer until the sauce turns thick and the trotter is cooked through.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Goldfish : Mong Mong

Here are some pictures of Mong Mong, my lionchu. She is constantly hungry and pushes her way around. She is big and fat and 6 inches long.

Goldfishes : Xiao Hei and Xiao Bao

Bought 2 new goldfishes this weekend. Xiao Hei on 6th Dec 08 from Sea View in Jalan Kayu and Xiao Bao on 7th Dec 08 from Fish City in Sungei Tengah.
They are happily swimming and eating hikari lionhead pellets. Currently about 2.5 inches, they look tiny when swimming next to Garfield and Mong Mong. Hope that they will grow quickly.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Planted Tank Update on 16th Oct

I think the hairgrass has finally covered the front spaces.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Planted Tank Update on 7th Aug

The plants are glowing nicely, but the algae are also very aggressive.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Planted Tank Update on 23rd July

Did some major trimming in the tank. The Giant Hairgrass and the Watersprite have been growing too rapidly. Sadly, 2 of my corys died. Smudge and a little panda cory passed away. However, I am seeing a lot more shrimps. Seems like they have been reproducing in the tank, and I spotted 2 large females carrying eggs! The Nuphar japonica (Underwater Lily) is growing beautifully, and is becoming the biggest plant in the tank. Cut some stems off the Ludwigia and now I have 5 of them growing in a cluster.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Planted Tank Update on 9th July

Bought 2 Otos and 3 Hillstream loaches.
Added 2 Zebra nerite snails and 4 Bumblebee horn snails. They are eating all the green spot algae off my tank and the Coco plant, and my tank looks cleaner than ever!
Highly recommmended.
The 2 Otos died within a day and 2 of the Hillstream loaches died within the hour!
Tsk tsk tsk.
The surviving Hillstream loach is now called "Survivor" aka "Pipa" and it is now hiding behind the airstone. I think this fish needs highly oxygenated water.
Bought 4 more Otos from another LFS, and they are still happily living in the tank.
Have been trying to track my baby shrimps, but it's getting difficult to spot them. I suspect the Black Skirts are making a meal out of my shrimps.
Got a water cabbage, and it is sitting nicely in one corner of the tank.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Planted Tank Update on 24th June

Here's an updated picture of the tank on 24th June.

It would be fun to see how the tank evolves. I am going to take a picture of the tank every 2 weeks.
Here's a list of new inhabitants and plants:

Red Tiger Lotus
2 Hygrophila Balsamica
Giant Hairgrass
Ludwigia inclinata var. verticillata
Nuphar japonica (Underwater Lily)

12 White Cloud Mountain Minnows
12 Glowlight Tetras
6 Black Skirt Tetras
6 Black Phantom Tetras
6 Rosy Tetras
6 Red Eye Tetras
7 Panda Corys (named P1 to P7)
2 Similis Corys (Spot and Smudge)
2 Leopard Corys
2 Sterba Corys
1 Albino Bronze Cory (Alby)
1 Blue Bronze Cory (Gleam)
1 Oto
Cherry Shrimps

Added a DIY CO2 system. CO2 comes from the yeast and sugar mixture in the 2-litre Coke bottle, and is dispensed through a glass diffuser.
Some of the tetras caught white spots. Had them isolated and treated, but a few didn't make it.
An Oto got trapped in the filter pump, and passed on also.
Many of the cherry shrimps "disappeared".
The red eye tetras were too fast and aggressive, so they were returned to the aquarium.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Planted Tank

This is exciting! Decided to convert the top fish tank to a planted tank.
Popped over to SeaView at Jalan Kayu to buy 2 packs of 8kg soil substrate and a two 39wattsbulbs T-5 lights (It was selling at a discount of $45).
The tank is now planted with some dwarf hairgrass which I hope will quickly carpet the substrate. Some of the other plants include Watersprite, Vals, Blyxa, Brazilian Pennyworts and Tonina Belem.
First inhabitants: 12 Black Neon Tetras
Shortly after:
12 Neon Tetras
3 Otos

Garfield and his goldfish friends have moved to the bottom tank. I don't think they are too happy about it.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Nonya Chang

Finally decided to make Nonya Chang on the 7th June. Saw them selling in Kim Choo's for $3.20 each, which I thought was rather expensive.

Had a tough time looking for all the necessary ingredients.

The bamboo leaves are available in NTUC, but it's not easy to find the sugared winter melons (Tong Kuah Tang) and the coriander powder.

Pre-soaked the bamboo leaves, mushrooms and glutinous rice overnight on friday, and went to sleep.

Bought 1.5kg of soft lean meat, and 0.5kg of lard, which should be enough meat for about 50 rice dumplings.

Started cooking the fillings and wrapping the rice dumplings in the evening. Prepared 3 pots of hot water to boil the rice dumplings for 3 hours. Finally finished all the boiling by 1am, and hung the rice dumplings on the clothes hanging stand.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Foreign Talents

I was just reading the Prime Minister's message on Foreign Talents, and here are my views:
  • As an employer, I find that Foreign Talents are generally willing to work harder than locals.
  • They left their homeland and their loved ones to find work here, and are willing to work hard and long hours.
  • Because of this willingness, they generally have good attitudes and are willing to learn.
  • In terms of pay and benefits, the locals are more demanding, whereas for foreigners, the pay and benefits would seem relatively good, compared to what they might get back at home.
  • If my competitors hire foreigners with good attitudes at lower cost, they will definitely have a huge competitive edge over me.
  • If a company has business dealings with the government or large MNCs, we have to furnish our quote electronically via GeBIZ. The lowest bid that can do the job will win the deal.
  • In such operating environment, companies do not have a choice but to hire foreigners.
  • Unless there are no foreign workers in Singapore, and all the companies do not need to compete with other countries, I find that it is inevitable.
  • Employers will find that by hiring foreign workers, it does give them a huge competitive edge. This will lead to the displacement of the local work force, especially for locals with an attitude, low appetite for work and high appetite for pay.
  • If I am a local employee, I will find myself at the short end of things. I will have to compete with the foreign workers who are willing to worker harder and longer hours for lower pay. Every resume I submit will probably be faced with many resumes of eager foreigners.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Raisin Bread

Made a loaf of raisin bread. Still needs a bit of practice. Hmmm...the dough, the dough. It does taste alrite.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Babysitting Twinkle

Twinkle came to stay when her mummy went to Thailand for a break. She has really grown to be quite a big puppy! Sometimes, she looks over the window to see if mummy if coming to fetch her.

Cakes from the past

These are cakes I used to eat when I was a little kid. So surprised to be able to find them. Like to lick the colourful jam.

Garfield the Ranchu

I got Garfield the Ranchu during Feb 2007. It has really grown! About 6 inches long now. It's the first ranchu I have, as all his tank mates that came with him died.
Garfield survived White Spots disease, a PH Water crash (Which killed nearly every fish I had), and septicemia disease. Amazing.